Self-imposed challenge…

Directing focus on the unnoticed is an amusing challenge. A macro setting on my camera was used to create these images; however, this theme could be accomplished using any lens. The eye and an open mind are critical tools in addition to a camera. Patience helps as well, because it takes a moment or longer to focus on the drops instead of the usual plant subjects.

I was weeding and cutting spent perennial blooms when I spotted these raindrops caught by several spider webs. After-rain is my preferred time to weed; as any ardent gardener knows that the weeds are easy to remove root-and-all when the ground is soft and moist. No spiders rested on their webs, though one Daddy Long Leg was observed quickly retreating when spotting my camera. Chore time was double that morning, these glorious late summer days merit deviating attentions.


Rain dops on Spiderweb on Pachysandra, copyright 2014, Pamela Breitberg
Rain dops on Spiderweb on Pachysandra, copyright 2014, Pamela Breitberg
Spiderweb and Rain on Lily of Valley, copyright 2014 Pamela Breitberg
Spiderweb and Rain on Lily of Valley, copyright 2014 Pamela Breitberg



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