Empathy and acceptance…

The purpose of my blog is to show the awesomeness of nature and the miracles all around us every day in our lives that too often go unnoticed, unappreciaated. Today I look to nature to see that it thrives on its diversity. Even this one plant seems to celebrate its rich blend of many colors and patterns on it’s many leaves. The plant is more special because of its diversity. Gardeners know that the more sun that shines on this plant the brighter and more varied it’s colors. Like the leaves on this one plant, each human being is enhanced from the unity of every other person in their community. CELEBRATE, EMBRACE, ACCEPT each person that you see today. LISTEN TO and LOOK at each person you encounter. Open your hearts to get to know your neighbors. AND SHARE your needs with each other. BE the optimist. Be the love. What has made my heart warmest right now is the determination of persons and their neighbors to join together to clean up their neighborhood after looters have left. I am comforted to see that the larger nature of people is to work together, to help each other, to love each other. I know my life is richer, more meaningful because of the wonderful people I encounter each day. I pledge to actively help anyone I see being disrespected near me.

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